Glowing Seahorse #21 BIOMYLH

I used gel pens to draw the bubbles for this week’s left hand drawing. The bubbles look lighter or darker (or even 2D or 3D) depending on the angle and lighting. It’s really cool to watch (who needs TV?) when you move the image about. I took the photo of it sideways because I think the colours and texture are visually more appealing and defined. Do you like it? Well, BIOMYLH!

Glowing Seahorse
Glowing Seahorse

Growl and thanks for stopping by!

Andy Warhol Sheep #18 BIOMYLH

Well I guess you know where I got my inspiration from for this week’s left hand drawing? Yep none other than Mr Andy “I’m so colourful and arty” Warhol. Do you like it? Well, BIOMYLH!

Andy Warhol Sheep
Andy Warhol Sheep

Ba-bye and thanks for stopping by!