Showcases – Pierrot card

So I’m back to making more cards. This birthday card is for my very long-time friend Katrina who I have known for more than 15 years (or has it been more than 20 years now – I dunno, I’ve lost track of time!). She lives in New South Wales but she will be coming down to Tassie this December (yay!) to celebrate another great milestone with her partner. They met in Tasmania and have been together for 10 years! Awesome! Anyway, I hope she likes this card!


La revedere and thanks for stopping by!



Paper goodies from Spotlight

Two weeks ago I went to Melbourne to visit my sisters. During that time I went to Spotlight to buy an el cheapo sewing machine. But guess what else I managed to purchase while I was there? All these paper goodies and craft stuff all on special! Melbournians are so lucky to have so much variety of craft stuff at their doorstep.

I always think it’s important to touch and feel the raw material that you’re going to use for your art and craft work. Unfortunately, Hobart (and Tasmania) are lacking in the variety of craft materials. Of course, there’s always the online environment where I can buy my supplies from but it’s never the same shopping experience….

Paper goodies from Spotlight
Paper goodies from Spotlight

Hoscakal and thanks for stopping by!

Arty Farty

Alas the showcase series had ended…for now. I haven’t made any more exciting cards lately as I have been madly finishing off a piece of artwork that needed to be delivered tomorrow for an upcoming local art exhibition. I had to raid my other half’s shed to create this masterpiece. Ha! It’ll be part of an open art exhibition. I normally submit my photographs but this time I’ve used mixed media to create this piece. The exhibition opens on the 26th of October so come by if you’re in the vicinity. More creative stuff next week….hopefully.

Untitled artwork
Untitled artwork

Shaka ‘oe and thanks for stopping by!

Showcases – A thank you card

Three Fridays ago, Mr5 attended his last day at his day care centre. He’s been there since he was 1 year old! I’ve always been happy with the high quality of care they have provided to him, us and the other families. So as a token of our appreciation we bought his carers a HUGE gift and I made this simple (and classy as one of my friends described it) card. I know they enjoyed the gift, I hope they liked the card as well. I think they did….

Thank you card
Thank you card

Ta ta and thanks for stopping by!